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One pair of 60 degree angles and the other pair of 120 degrees.

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Q: If one of the diagonal of a rhombus is equal to one of its sides find the measures of all the angles of the rhombus?
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Is opposite angles are of equal measures in a rhombus?


What is the length of rhombus?

The length of the rhombus is equal to the length of the diagonal formed by the bisector of the 2 opposite acute angles.

Similarities and differences of a square and rhombus?

The main difference between a square and a rhombus is that a square has all its angles equal to 90 degrees and a rhombus does not. A square has 4 lines of symmetry while rhombus only has 2. The diagonal lengths of a square are of the same measure. Rhombus diagonal lengths are of different measures. They are both a quadrilateral, all sides are equal in length, and opposite sides are parallel to each other.

What are tha angle measures of a rhombus?

Opposite angles of a rhombus are equal and the sum of all four angles is that of any quadrilateral: 360o.

If one of the diagonals of a rhombus is equal to one of its sides find the measures of all the angles?


What is the minimum numbers of angles measures required to uniquely determine all the angles measure in rhombus?

A rhombus has 2 equal opposite acute angles and 2 equal opposite obtuse angles whereas the 4 interior angles add up to 360 degrees

How do you find the angles of a Rhombus given that one diagonal is equal to one of its side?

The important property of a rhombus to note is that a rhombus has all sides of equal length. Then: Let the vertices be A, B, C, D; let the diagonal BD be the same length as the sides. Consider the triangle ABD formed by two sides of the rhombus and the diagonal BD. As all sides are equal in length, it must be an equilateral triangle and thus each angle can be calculated, in particular angle BAD of the rhombus. Consider the triangle BCD formed by the other two sides of the rhombus and the diagonal BD. The angle BCD of the rhombus can also be calculated as above. For angles ABC and CDA of the rhombus, note that angle ABC is the same as the sum of angles ABD and DBC. and those angles can be calculated above; similarly for angle CDA. A short cut that can be used is the property of a rhombus that opposite angles of a rhombus are equal which means once angle DAB has been calculate, BCD is then known. Then by subtracting the sum of these from 360o (the sum of the angles of a quadrilateral and a rhombus is an quadrilateral) and dividing the result by 2 will give the other two angles..

Which quadrilateral has 4 equal sides but does not have 4 equal angle measures?

It is a rhombus that has 4 equal sides but not 4 equal interior angles

Does a rhombus have four equal angles?

No, although a rhombus has 4 equal sides but the angles are not equal

What do the angles of a rhombus equal?

The sum of the angles in a rhombus equal a straight angle (180o).

Does a rhombus have equal angles?

A rhombus is shaped like a diamond. It has equal sides but it does not have all equal angles. However the opposite angles are equal .

A quadrilateral with 4 equal sides but with angles of unequal measures?

A rhombus would fit the given description.