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24 vertices

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Q: If s prism has a base that is a twelve sided polygon the prism has how many vertices?
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How is the number of vertices for a prism related to the name of the prism?

Divide the number of vertices by 3. Find the name of the polygon with that many sides. The prism has that polygon as a base. For example, a prism with 24 vertices. Divide by 3 so that is 8. An 8 sided polygon is an octagon. The name is an octagon-based prism.

Do prisms and pyramids have the same number of vertices?

Sometimes. A prism whose base is a n-sided polygon has the same number of vertices (2n) as a pyramid with a base that is a (2n-1)-sided polygon. For example, a triangular prism has the same number of vertices as a pentagonal pyramid.

What 3D shape has 20 vertices?

There are many options. Some of these are: A pyramid with a base that is a 19 sided polygon; A dipyramid with a "centre" that is an 18 sided polygon; A prism with decagonal bases.

What heptagonal prism?

A heptagon is a 7-sided polygon, so a heptagonal prism is a 3D version of that (9 sides, 21 edges, 14 vertices).

What is a twelve sided polygon named?

A twelve sided polygon is called a dodecagon.

How many vertices does a seven-sided polygon have?

A polygon has the same amount of vertices as it does sides, so it would have 7 vertices.

How vertices does a hexagonal have?

An hexagon is a 6 sided polygon that has 6 vertices.A hexagon is a 6 sided polygon that has 6 vertices

How many vertices does a 9 sided prism have?

A prism with 9 faces is a heptagonal prism. That has 14 vertices.

How many vertices does a hexagon have?

An hexagon is a 6 sided polygon that has 6 vertices.A hexagon is a 6 sided polygon that has 6 vertices

How many vertices in a 22 sided polygon?

22 vertices

How many vertices does a 12 sided polygon have?

it has 12 vertices

How many vertices does a 14 side prism have?

28 We can check this using smaller prisims, with a triangular prism (3-sided) there are 6 vertices. WIth a rectangular prism (4-sided), there are 8 vertices. The number of vertices in a prism is always twice the number of sides.