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Q: If the interior angle of a regular polygon equals 120 degrees what shape is the polygon?
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What is the total number of diagonals in a regular polygon with an interior angle of 120 degrees?

If it is a regular polygon with each interior angle of 120 degrees then it is an hexagon which will have 0.5((6^2)-3*6) equals 9 diagonals

What does the sum interior angle of a polygon equals?

The sum of the interior angles of any regular polygon of n sides is equal to 180(n - 2) degrees.

How can you prove that the sum of exterior angles of a polygon is 360 degrees?

With any regular polygon it is 180 minus interior angle times number of sides equals 360 degrees

How many sides would a regular polygon have if each interior angle equals to 135 degrees?

It will have 8 sides and it is called a regular octagon.

How many sides does a regular polygon have if the sum onf the interior angles equals 2700 degrees?

2700⁰/180⁰ = 15 (triangles)So the polygon has 17 sides.

If the sum of the interior angles of a polygon equals the sum of the exterior angles what is the name of the polygon?

A Regular Polygon

If the sum of the interior angle of a polygon equals 4320 degrees what is the measure of each interior angle of the polygon?

Im stuck on that too :/

If the exterior angle of a regular polygon equals 90 degrees what shape is the polygon?


If the exterior angle of a regular polygon equals 72 degrees what shape is the polygon?

Pentagon A+

If the exterior angle of a regular polygon equals 36 degrees what shape is the polygon?

It is a regular 10 sided decagon

What is a polygon called if each interior angle equals 120?

A [regular] hexagon.

A 13 sided polygon equals how many degrees for its interior angles?

A 13 sided polygon also called a triskaidecagon or tridecaogn has a total 1980 degrees for its interior angles.