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It is 180-148 = 32 degrees

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Q: If the obtuse angle on a straight line is 148 what is the acute angle?
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What are 4 angles?

acute,obtuse,right angle, and straight line. * * * * * Rather than straight line I would have said a reflex angle.

What does a obtuse angle add up to?

An obtuse angle is any angle that is between 91 degrees and 179 degrees. It can be added to a supplementary acute angle to form a straight line.

Are there any acute angles in an obtuse angle?

No its a obtuse line there are no acute lines in it

Is 180 degrees an acute or right or obtuse angle?

None of them because 180 degrees is a straight line.

How many degrees does there have to be in an obtuse angle?

Over 90 but under 180 degrees. any lower is a right angle or acute angle, and higher is a straight line or a reflex angle.

Is a 90 degree angle a obtuse or acute?

A 90 degree angle is neither obtuse or acute. It is its own seperate entity. 90 degree angles are called right angles. Any angle smaller than 90 degrees is an acute angle, while any angle bigger than 90 degrees is an obtuse angle. Note: 180 degrees is a straight line, and 360 degrees is a circle.

What is a non-example of an obtuse angle?

acute angle, reflex angle, right angle, a line

What is a six-letter word for a line with angles that is not straight?

Obtuse Yes, For a line set that has an angle greater than 90 degrees, the line set is "OBTUSE". For a line set that has an angle less than 90 degrees, the line set is "ACUTE". For a line set that has an angle equal to 90 degrees, the line set is "RIGHT ANGLE".

Is 61 degrees a obtuse angle?

No. There are 5 types of angles: Acute, Obtuse, Straight, Reflex, and Round (or perigon). Acute is any angle below 90 degrees. Obtuse is any angle above 90, but below 180. Straight is any angle that reaches 180 degrees exactly (a straight line). Reflex is any angle above 180 degrees, but below 360 degrees. Round (perigon) is an angle where, from the starting points comes arount to a full revolution. So, a 61 degree angle is below 90 degrees, therefore it is acute.

An angle with a measurement of 145 degrees is what?

An angle of 145o is obtuse. An angle less than 90o is an acute angle An angle of 90o is a right angle An angle between 90o and 180o is an obtuse angle An angle of 180o is a straight line An angle greater than 180o is a reflex angle.

Can the exterior of a triangle be acute?

Yes providing the interior angle is obtuse and that they add up together to 180 degrees which are the angles on a straight line

How do you use a right angle to decide how to name another angle?

You use the right angle next to an acute angle perhaps and you see that when a angle is closer together it is an acute angle and if it is spread apart or farther apart from a right angle it is an obtuse angle. If the angle is a straight line and doesn't look bent like a right angle it is a straight angle.