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To double the area of a circle, you need to increase the radius by a factor equal to the square root of 2, or by about 1.414.

Recall the formula for the area of a circle is 2 pi r2. Well, 2 pi is constant, so look at r2. In order to double the contribution of r2 you need to increase r by a factor equal to the square root of 2.

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Q: If you double the area of a circle how much do you need to increase the radius?
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To increase the area of a circle you must increase the radius.

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If you triple the radius of a circle, the area will increase by 9. Area is proportional to the square of the radius.

What happens to the area of a circle if yo double the radius?

Nothing - if you double the radius you will get the diameter. The area of the circle will remain the same

What happens to the area of a circle when you triple the radius?

As the area of a circle is pi*radius2 the increase in area is a factor of 32. So tripling the radius gives an increase in area by a factor of 9.

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the area doubles. for example: the radius is 2. so the area is 4pi. then double the original radius of 2 to 4 and the area is 8pi. 8pi is double 4pi.

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if you double the radius (or diameter) , you get four times the area. area of a circle = pi * radius squared

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The area increases as the square of the radius (or diameter). So if you double the radius you * 4 (quadruple) the area. Treble the radius, you *9 the area.

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Divide the area by Pi. Take the square root of the result. This is the radius. Now double the radius to get the diameter. -> Answer = 18

What happens to the area of a circle when the radius is doubled tripled?

The area increases as the square of the radius (or diameter). So if you double the radius you * 4 (quadruple) the area. Treble the radius, you *9 the area.

The radius of a circle is multiplied by 7 Its area is times bigger than the original circle?

The relationship between a circle's radius and it's area is: a = πr2 so if the radius of the circle increases by 7 times, the area will increase by π72 times, or 49π, which is approximately equal to 153.938

Find diameter of the circle in java program?

public class CircleDiameter { publicCircleDiameter() { super(); } publicfloatgetDiameterFrmRadius(float radius){ return radius * 2; } /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { float radius = 5; CircleDiameter circle = newCircleDiameter(); float dia = circle.getDiameterFrmRadius(radius); System.out.println("Diameter of this circle is: " + dia); } }

What happens to the area of a circle if you double the radius?

Since the area of a circle is S=πr2 and we intend to double the radius(2r) then the area of the new circle will be S'=π*(2r)2=4*πr2, an area 4 times greater than the initial one S'=4S.