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The other three sides equal 300 (each).

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Q: In maths one angle in a rhombus measures 133 degrees. what is the size of the other three angles?
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If A rhombus has 1 angle that measures 40 degrees what are the measures of the remaining angles?

140, 40 and 140. Since the adjacent angles of a rhombus are supplementary angles and one of them is 40 degrees, the other is (180 - 40)140 degrees. So that two others are 40 and 140 degrees, as congruent opposite angles of the rhombus.

If a rhombus has one angle that measures 45 degrees and a perimeter of 80 ft what are the remaining angles?

Opposite angle is 45 degrees and the other 2 angles are both 135 degrees the perimeter has nothing to do with the angles.

If an angle of rhombus is 35degrees what are the remaining three angles?

The opposite angles of a rhombus are congruent. So the angle opposite to the given angle is also 35 degrees. The consecutive angles of a rhombus are supplementary (add up to 180 degrees). So the supplement angle of the given angle is 145 degrees (180 - 35), and the angle opposite to that angle also will be 145 degrees.

What are tha angle measures of a rhombus?

Opposite angles of a rhombus are equal and the sum of all four angles is that of any quadrilateral: 360o.

What is the sum of the measures of the interior angles of a regular polygon if each angle measures 90 degrees?

If each angle measures 90 degrees the polygon is a square and so its angles sum to 360 degrees.

Can a rhombus have a reflex angle?

No, because a rhombus has 2 acute angles and 2 obtuse angles that add up to 360 degrees

Why can't a rhombus be a square?

A rhombus cannot be a square because of its angle measures in which squares have four perfect ninety degree angles ( right angles), and a rhombus does bot have right angles but consist of acute and obtuse angles.

If angle B measures 42 degrees and angle C measures 27 degrees what is the measure of angle A?

If the angles A, B and C forms a triangle, then angle A is 111 degrees.

What are angles that together measure 180 degrees?

A straight angle is an angle that measures 180 degrees and is drawn as a straight line. A straight angle is composed of two right angles whose measures are 90 degrees each.

What are all the angles in a regular hexagon called?

Exterior angles are acute because each angle measures 60 degrees Interior angles are obtuse because each angle measures 120 degrees

A rhombus has angles measuring 143 degrees 143 degrees and 37 degrees the measure of the missing angle is?

It is 37.

What is the exterior and interior angles of a regular 20-gon?

Exterior angle measures 18 degrees Interior angle measures 162 degrees