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Q: In the two triangles below all angles equal 60 degrees Are the two triangles congruent?
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What is a acute trianlge?

an acute triangle is a triangle that has corner angles all below 90 degrees. there are three types of triangles: obtuse, right, and acute. obtuse triangles have one corner angle greater than 90 degrees, right triangles have one angle equal to 90 degrees, and acute triangles have all corner angles less than 90 degrees.

The triangles shown below must be congruent.?


Does a trapezoid have one pair of congruent base angles and are the other pair of base angles congruent also?

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with 2 congruent sides of a different length, the other are parallel to each other. So it looks like a triangle, but the pointed top of the triangles turns flat look below _________ / \ / \ /_____________\ <-- EXPERT DRAWLING SKILLS AT WORK PEOPLE!

What degree of angle for octagon?

For a Regular Shape (all angles measure the same), you can split it up into triangles to find the total angle measures. For example, in a square, you can only split it in half, making 2 triangles (below). A triangle always measures 180 degrees, so for an octagon you would split it into triangles from one point. If you count the triangles, you will have 8 triangles. Now Multiple 8 by i80, and your sum of angles will be 1080°.If you then divide it by the sum of the angles in a triangle, or 180 degrees, you will find that 1 angle measures 135 degrees. This rule applies to all Regular Polygons. If you still don't get it,try the link below

Are sides on a triangle congruent?

Free Math Study GroupCongruent TrianglesDefinition: Triangles are congruent when all corresponding sides and interior angles arecongruent. The triangles will have the same shape and size, but one may be a mirror image of the other.In the simple case below, the two triangles PQR and LMN are congruent because every corresponding side has the same length, and every corresponding angle has the same measure. The angle at P has the same measure (in degrees) as the angle at L, the side PQ is the same length as the side LM etc.Try this Drag any orange dot at P,Q,R. The other triangle LMN will change to remain congruent to it.(If there is no image below, see support page.)

Two congruent angles are always vertical angles?

Do you mean "Are two vertical angles always congruent?" Vertical angles are always congruent, but congruent angles do not have to be vertical. Any two angles with the same angle measurement are considered congruent by definition. The reason why vertical angles are always congruent is explained below. Imagine (or draw) an X forming 2 pairs of vertical angles. ∠1 is to the left, ∠2 is on top, ∠3 is to the right, and ∠4 is on the bottom. Vertical angles are always congruent because ∠1 and ∠2 are supplementary, meaning that their measures add to 180 degrees. The measures of ∠2 and ∠3 also add to 180 degrees. This means that m∠1+m∠2=180 and m∠2+m∠3=180. Using the Transitive Property, it becomes m∠1+m∠2=m∠2+m∠3. If you subtract the measure of ∠2 from both sides, it becomes m∠1=m∠3. I hope that helped!

Does a parellogram have 4 right angles?

No, it has two angles over 90 degrees and two angles below 90 degrees.

From the kabuto below which of the following are pairs of congruent angles?

Fr & nr rc & ro no & nm

How do you make a flowchart for congruent or similar triangles?

Here guys Thanks :D Congruent triangles are similar figures with a ratio of similarity of 1, that is 1 1 . One way to prove triangles congruent is to prove they are similar first, and then prove that the ratio of similarity is 1. In these sections of the text the students find short cuts that enable them to prove triangles congruent in fewer steps, by developing five triangle congruence conjectures. They are SSS! , ASA! , AAS! , SAS! , and HL ! , illustrated below.

How are equilateral isosceles and scalene different?

Equilateral triangles have all sides and angles equal, isosceles triangles have two sides and angles equal, and scalene triangles have no sides or angles equal. In other words, equilateral triangles are a special case of isosceles triangles, and isosceles triangles are a special case of scalene triangles.