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monique robles

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Q: Is this statement true or falsePerpendicular lines are two lines that intersect at a 90° angle.?
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Which phrase describes perpendicular lines the lines never touch or the lines intersect at a right angle or the lines intersect at an acute angle or the lines intersect at a obtuse angle?

Lines that intersect at right angles.

What are lines that intersect to form a ninety degree angle?

When two lines intersect to form a 90o angle, they are said to be perpendicular.

what-choose the word/phrase that describes the second statement in terms of the original conditional.original conditional: Two lines are perpendicular if they intersect at aright angle.If two lines are perpendicular then they intersect at aright angle.?


What are Two lines that intersect and form a right angle are called?

When two lines intersect to form a right angle they are called perpendicular.

Lines the will intersect at a right angle?

Perpendicular lines intersect each other at right angles

Do intersecting lines always intersect at right angles?

No. Lines can intersect at any possible angle.

Are intersecting lines alway perpendicular?

Form right angles

What is the angle where perpendicular lines intersect?

90 degrees angle

What are lines that intersect that do NOT form right angles?

Lines that intersect but do not form a right are just called intersecting lines. Perpendicular lines DO form a right angle when they intersect.

Is there pair lines that intersect but are not perpendicular?

Yes. Perpendicular lines intersect to form a right or 90 degree angle. Not all intersecting lines form a right angle.

Lines that intersect at a right angle are called what?

perpendicular lines

Lines that are coplanar and intersect at an angle of 90 are called lines?