

Is 28 a perfect square

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Is 28 a perfect square
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Why isn't 28 a square number?

28 is not a perfect square. A perfect square is an integer that is the square of another integer. 9 is a perfect square; it equal to 3 squared, or 3 X 3. Often, such numbers are called simply square numbers. While 28 is not a perfect square, it is a square number in the sense that it has a square root. by definition, the square root of 28 times itself equals 28.

What is the perfect square of 28?

28*28 = 784

How do you work out this perfect square 784?

28*28 = 784

What is the perfect square closest to but less than 28?

It is: 25

What is the largest perfect square less than 800?

It is: 784 because 28*28 = 784

How do you simplify 4 minus the square root of 28?

The given expression is 4 - √28. Since 28 contains a perfect square factor, we can simplify √28 to get: 4 - √(4 * 7) = 4 - √(2² * 7) = 4 - 2√7

What are the perfect square numbers between 1 and 28?

They are: 1, 4, 9, 16 and 25

Is 200 a perfect square?

200 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.

Is 325 a perfect square?

No, 325 is not a perfect square however 324 is a perfect square.

What is a perfect square?

A perfect square is a square of an integer (a whole number).

Is 30 a perfect square?

30 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.

Is 500 a perfect square?

500 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.