

Is ABC and angle cbd a adjacent?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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yes they are

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Q: Is ABC and angle cbd a adjacent?
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∠DAB + ∠EBA = 180� ⇒ 2∠CAB + 2∠CBA = 180� (Using (1) and (2)) ⇒ ∠CAB + ∠CBA = 90� In ∆ABC, ∠CAB + ∠CBA + ∠ABC = 180� (Angle sum property) ⇒ 90� + ∠ABC = 180� ⇒ ∠ABC = 180� - 90� = 90� Thus, the bisectors of two adjacent supplementary angles include a right angle.

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an adjacent corresponding angle is an angle which is adjacent to a particular angle as well as corresponding.

In line segment Ac is perpendicular to line segment CB and the measurement of angle CBD equals 125 degrees the the measurement of angle A equals?

The problem is meaningless without a diagram but I am guessing that ABC make a triangle and D is on the extension of AB beyond B. In that case we use the exterior angle theorem to get CBD = C + A, so 125 = 90 + A and A = 35.

What type of triangle is angle ABC?

ABC angle is an angle,not a triangle!

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How does an adjacent angle look.

What does an adjacent angle look like?

How does an adjacent angle look.

Is the ratio of the length of the opposite leg to the length of the adjacent leg?

Suppose ABC is a triangle. There is nothing in the question that requires the triangle to be right angled. Suppose AB is the side opposite to angle C and BC is a side adjacent to angle C. Then AB/BC = sin(C)/sin(A)

What is a equal adjacent angle?

it is a angle

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it is an arc of an angle that is adjacent

Is an adjacent angle a right angle?

No adjacent means having a common endpoint or border.

What type of an interior angle of a polygon and its adjacent exterior angle are complementary?

The interior angle of a polygon and its adjacent exterior angle can never be complementary.