

Is a Rhombi always a parallelogram?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Absolutely. A parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides. But the family of parallelograms includes special shapes that have additional properties. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all four sides congruent (or equal in length) Most people refer to it as a diamond. Give a rhombus 4 right angles and it becomes a square.

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Q: Is a Rhombi always a parallelogram?
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Is a rhomi always a parallelogram?

A rhombus, many rhombi. And, yes, it always is.

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Yes, all rhombi are parallelograms. If you understand the concept "parallelogram" then you will know that rhombi

Are rhombus a parallelogram?

Yes, rhombi are parallelograms.

A parallelogram with 4 congruent sides?

A parallelogram with four congruent sides would be a square, some rhombi, and some rhomboids.

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Three rhombi can make a long parallelogram.

How is a rhombus different from a paralleogram?

In a rhombus all four sides are of equal length, while in a parallelogram opposing sides have the same length. Thus all rhombi are parallelograms, but all parallelograms are not rhombi.

Are all rombi parallelograms?

Yes, all rhombi are parallelograms. A rhombus is, by definition, "a parallelogram in which all of the sides are the same length."

Is a recatangle a parallelogram?

Yes, always. But a parallelogram is not always a rectangle.

Is a rhombus not always a parallelogram?

False. A rhombus is always a parallelogram.

Is a parellagram a rectangle and square?

Rectangles and squares are examples of parallelograms, as are rhombi. To be a parallelogram, the four-sided-polygon (quadrilateral) must have opposite sides parallel.

Is a A square a parallelogram?

No, a parallelogram is not always a square, but a square is a parallelogram.

Can a parallelogram be called a rhombus?

yes a rhombus can be a parrallelogram a parallelogram has four sides and at least two sides are parallel there for a a rhombus is a parallelogram. And if you are editing my answers please stop because I WILL and CAN report YOU and these are MY answers to be editing NOT YOURS