

Best Answer

It is special in some respects:

  • It is a parallelogram
  • It is equilateral.
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Q: Is a rhombus classified as a special polygon?
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Is a rhombus a special polygon?

yes i think so

Is a rhombus a polygon? generalYes a rhombus is a 4 sided polygon

Why is a rhombus not considered to be a polygon?

A rhombus is a polygon.

Is a rhombus a quadrangle or a polygon?

A rhombus is a quadrangle, which is a polygon. So a rhombus is both.

Is a rhombus an regular polygon?

Yes A rhombus is a regular polygon

Is a polygon a rhombus?

No but a rhombus is a polygon. A polygon can have three of more sides, and these can be of different lengths.

Is square polygon?

Special polygonsSpecial Quadrilaterals - square, rhombus, parallelogram, rectangle, and the trapezoid.

Can a rhombus not be a polygon?

No. It is a polygon.

Is a rhombus AZ polygon?

A rhombus is a 4 sided quadrilateral polygon

Can a rhombus be a quadalateral?

A rhombus is a quadrilateral by definition. A quadrilateral is a polygon with 4 sides. A rhombus is a quadrilateral where all 4 sides have equal lengths. All rhombuses are also parallelograms. If a rhombus has right angles, the it is also a square. Meaning that a square is a special type of rhombus. A rhombus is a special type of parallelogram. A parallelogram is a special type of quadrilateral.

Can a quadrilaterial be a rhombus?

A rhombus is a quadrilateral by definition. A quadrilateral is a polygon with 4 sides. A rhombus is a quadrilateral where all 4 sides have equal lengths. All rhombuses are also parallelograms. If a rhombus has right angles, the it is also a square. Meaning that a square is a special type of rhombus. A rhombus is a special type of parallelogram. A parallelogram is a special type of quadrilateral.