a decagon has 10 sides and a pentagon has 5 so if you subtract 5 from ten that is your answer Answer=5
Usually, the measure of an exterior angle of a pentagon is greater.
pentagon, hexagon, octagon, dragon, septagon, dodecagon, wagon
Square, rectangle, triangle, circle, ovel, pentagon, Hexigon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon, hendecagon, dodecagon, ellipse, star, heart
By changing it into a regular 10 sided decagon
A decagon
A decagon has five more sides.
a decagon has 10 sides and a pentagon has 5 so if you subtract 5 from ten that is your answer Answer=5
15 sides
They have: 5, 6, 10 and 4 sides respectively
the type of shape is a square A Square, An Equalateral Triangle, A Cube, A Hexagon, A Pentagon, A DoDecaHedron, An Octogon, A Decagon. A Square, An Equalateral Triangle, A Cube, A Hexagon, A Pentagon, A DoDecaHedron, An Octogon, A Decagon. A Square, An Equalateral Triangle, A Cube, A Hexagon, A Pentagon, A DoDecaHedron, An Octogon, A Decagon.
a decagon
pentagon, nonagon, hexagon, heptagon, decagon
Usually, the measure of an exterior angle of a pentagon is greater.
No. A star usually has lines which cross one another; a decagon does not.