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45 degree angle

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Q: Is it harder if you pull the cart at 45-degree angle or at 20-degree angle?
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Why is it harder to push cart full of groceries than an empty cart?

because it has more mass

What would happen if you were pulling a cart tipped at about 45 degree angle and you put a board as a new extened handle with the cart at a 20 degree angle closer to the ground what will happen?

the cart will be easier pull, inspite of the weight of the board, becauce now the angle of pull is much closer to the angle of movement

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If the angle of the ramp is increased to make it steeper, the cart will accelerate more quickly down the ramp due to the increased gravitational force acting on it. The steeper ramp will result in a greater component of the gravitational force pulling the cart downhill, causing it to move faster.

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because a cart full of potatoes has more mass

Why is it harder to get a full cart of potatoes moving than one that is empty?

because a cart full of potatoes has more mass

Why is it harder to get a cart full of potatoes moving than one that is empty?

because a cart full of potatoes has more mass

Why is it harder to get a cart full of potatoes moving than one that one is empty?

because a cart full of potatoes has more mass

Why is it harder to get a cart full of potatoes moving than one that's empty?

because a cart full of potatoes has more mass

If you are pushing a shopping cart if you start pushing harder what happens?

According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, the greater the force, the greater the acceleration. So if you were to begin pushing a shopping cart harder, you go faster and there is more acceleration. If you were to push the cart softer there would be less acceleration.

What are some factors that affect cart velocity on a roller coaster?

Height, angle, and track type. Height, angle, and track type.

Why is it harder to get a cart full of potatoes then the one that's empty?

A cart full of potatoes is heavier, making it more difficult to push than an empty cart due to the additional weight. The potatoes also shift and create friction, causing more resistance when moving the cart.

Why is it easier to push an empty cart than one that is filled with canned goods?

its easier because all the weight from the cans are pushing down your cart causing it to be harder to move