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It is not possible for any triangle to have two interior90-degree angles.

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Q: Is it possible to have a triangle with two 90 degrees?
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Can a right triangle have two angles that measure 38degrees an 54 degrees?

No. A triangle has 180 degrees in it. A right triangle has an angle of 90 degrees. That leaves the other two angles to total 90 as well. 38+54=92 which would make the triangle equal 182 degrees. this is not possible.

Is a right obtuse triangle possible?

No, it is not possible.The sum of all three angles of a triangle sum to 180 degrees. If there is a right angle (90 degrees), hen the other two must sum to 90 degrees. If 2 angles sum to 90 degrees then neither can be greater than 90 degrees.

How is an acute triangle different from both an obtuse triangle and a right triangle?

An acute triangle has no angle of 90 degrees or more. A right triangle has one angle of 90 degrees; the other two are less than 90 degrees. An obtuse triangle has one angle between 90° and 180°; the other two are less than 90°.

Can a right triangle have two angles that measure 90 degrees?

Yes a 90- 60-30 triangle for example because there are 180 degrees in a triangle.

If two angles of a triangle each measure 45 degrees what is the third angle?

If two angles of a triangle each measure 45 degrees, the third angle measures 90 degrees. This is because of the Triangle Sum Theorem - The sum of the measure of the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. If you know that two of the angles total to be 90 degrees, you can subtract that 90 degrees from the total 180. The result is 90 degrees.

What is a triangle that has one angle less than 90 degrees?

If all three angles are less than 90 degrees, then it is called an Acute Triangle. If two angles are less than 90 degrees and the other one is 90 degrees, then it is called a Right Triangle. If one angle is more than 90 degrees and the other two are less than 90 degrees, then it is called an Obtuse Triangle. Hope this helps!

Are the two acute angles of a right triangle complementary?

Yes. Compementary angles total 90 degrees. In a right angled triangle the right angle uses 90 of the 180 degrees in a triangle, leaving 90 degrees for the other two angles.

Is it possible to draw a triangle with two 90 degrees angles?

Nope. With the first two 90˚ angles, you would have something like this |_|. Then you would already have three sides.

Why does a triangle have two acute angles?

If there were less than two acute angles, there would be two (or more angles that were 90 degrees or more. Then the sum of the three angles of the triangle would be more than 180 degrees. But this is not possible because the interior angles of a triangle sum to 180 degrees.

Is it possible that a triangle can have all its angles as 90 degrees?

No because the 3 interior angles of a triangle must add up to 180 degrees and only a right angle triangle has 1 interior angle of 90 degrees.

Isosceles triangles equal 180 degrees?

The total sum of angles of a triangle is 180, so only one angle of a triangle can be 90 ( making it a right angled triangle).However the sum of two angles of a triangle can be equal to 90, once again making it a right angled is possible that two angle can be equal to 180-The acute angles of a right triangle are complementary.SUPPOSE ABC IS A TRIANGLE, where C = 90, thenA+B+90 = 180,A+B = 180-90or A+B = 90,or A = 90-Bso it's possible.

What is do you call a triangle with a 90 degrees angle?

A triangle with a 90 degree angle and two acute angles is a right angle triangle.