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No. This is only true of parallelograms.

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Q: Is it true that in all quadrilaterals the opposite sides are in equal length?
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Which quadrilateral does not have opposite sides equal in length?

Most quadrilaterals do not have opposite sides which are equal in length. Sadly, there is no special name for them.

What quadrilateral have opposite sides are parallel?

Quadrilaterals that have parallel opposite sides (assuming that each side is parallel to its opposite): A parallelogram A rectangle A square (really a rectangle with all sides equal in length)

What has opposite sides of the same length?

For quadrilaterals, it would be a rectangle, a square, or a rhombus. Two sides of an isosceles triangle are also equal.

Which two quadrilaterals do not have all sides of equal length?

There are infinite amounts of quadrilaterals that have sides that aren't all equal. In regular quadrilaterals, however there are rectangles and kites that have uneven lengths of sides.

What are the properties of different types of quadrilaterals?

A quadrilateral is any plane figure bounded by four straight lines. Within this definition are special shapes. The Parallelogram : has both pairs of opposite sides parallel (and opposite sides are equal in length). The Rhombus : is a parallelogram with all its sides of equal length. The Rectangle : is a parallelogram with each of its vertex angles equal to 90° (and opposite sides are of equal length). The Square : is a rectangle with all its sides of equal length. The Trapezium : is a quadrilateral with only one pair of parallel sides - which are NOT of equal length. The Isosceles Trapezium : is a trapezium with its two non parallel sides equal in length. The Kite : is a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides equal in length

What two quadrilaterals have opposite sides equal and parallel?

parallelograms and squares.

What quadrilaterals have 2 pairs of equal sides?

Parallelograms (if the equal sides are opposite one another) or kites (if they are adjacent).

What are two quadrilaterals in which all the sides have an equal length?

a square and a rhombus

Is a quadrilateral with two opposite side but not equal?

All quadrilaterals have two [pairs] of opposite sides and in most cases they are not equal.

What quadrilateral has four equal sides?

The only quadrilaterals that have all sides an equal length are a square abd a rhombus.

What quadrilaterals has 4 right angels it's opposite sides are equal?


Which are the quadrilaterals that have their opposite sides equal?

Parallelograms (and their special cases), isosceles trapezium.