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if a quadrilateral has three right angles will also have have a fourth right angle. Making it a rectangle. The addition of all the angles in a triangle is 360 degrees. If there are three right angles, and you subtract their addition by 360, you will get ninty degrees.

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Q: Is quadrilateral with at least three right angles is a rectangle?
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What is a quadrilateral that is not a rectangle?

Any quadrilateral in which at least one (and therefore at least two) angles are not right angles is not a rectangle. The majority of these do not have a specific name.

What is a quadrilateral with four right angles-?

A rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles True (Apex)

What is a quadrilateral with 4 right angles?

A quadrilateral with 4 right angles is a rectangle

A quadrilateral with with four right angles?

is a rectangle

What does a rectangle have that a quadrilateral does not?

Right angles.

What is a quadrilateral with all of whose angles are right?

A quadrilateral having four right angles is called a rectangle.

What quadrilateral that all angles are right angles?

A rectangle or square.

Quadrilateral with all right angles?

This is a rectangle.

How is a square also a rectangle?

A rectangle is a quadrilateral with all right angles. A square has 4 right angles AND 4 sides (which means it's a quadrilateral), so it's a rectangle.

How do you define a rectangle?

a rectangle is any quadrilateral with four right angles

Does quadrilateral have to have right angles?

No, if it has right angles it is a special case, such as rectangle, but in general it does not have to have any right angles

In what quadrilateral are all interior angles right angles?

A square or rectangle.