

Is the dotted line a line of symmetry?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Most of the time yes

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Q: Is the dotted line a line of symmetry?
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How do you find the line of syMmetry?

The line of symmetry in a shape is found be looking at the sides of the shape. If you see that two sides look the same, try to draw a straight line through them. The line of symmetry acts like the dotted line in which you fold you paper. If you can fold the shape across the line of symmetry, and the shape is exactly the same on both sides then you have found A line of symmetry.

Do you know Symmetry?

A symmetrical shape has equally matching parts when divided into halves. The dotted lines that divide the shapes into equal halves is called a line symmetry.

What would a z have for a line of symmentry?

z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry. z does not have a line of symmetry.

What is line and point symmetry?

Line symmetry = Reflection symmetry. Point symmetry = Rotational symmetry.

What is the difference between line symmetry and line of symmetry?

A symmetrical shape is said to have line symmetry. A shape that has line symmetry can have one or more lines of symmetry

Is a smiley face a line symmetry or rotational symmetry?

Line symmetry.

What makes a line of symmetry?

what makes a line of symmetry is that it has to be shared equel.That is what makes a line of symmetry.

Does z have rotational symmetry but no line symmetry?

The letters H and Z have both line symmetry and rotational symmetry

What does a dotted line between connectors indicate?

The dotted line between two connectors indicates a relationship. The relationship is not a permanent one, hence the line is dotted rather than solid.

Does a have a line of symmetry?

Lower case A doesn't have a line of symmetry. Upper case A has a vertical line of symmetry.

What is a figure that has point symmetry but not line symmetry?

The letters S and N have point symmetry but not line symmetry.

Does T have rotational symmetry and line symmetry?

It has line symmetry (straight down the center) but not rotational symmetry.