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Remi Kuhn

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Q: Is the outline of a star a quadrilateral?
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How many quadrilaterals are in the star of David?

There are no quadrilaterals in the Star of David- as in zero, none. The reason for this lies in the geometrical definition of the term quadrilateral. In the simplest terms, a quadrilateral is any polygon with four sides and four corners. Because the Star of David is a star polygon known as a hexagram, it is based almost exclusively on a trilateral (as in 3) system. A three-dimensional Star of David might actually have a quadrilateral, but the everyday commonly known two-dimensional variety has NO quadrilateral.

Does Candice Accola have Tattoos?

Yes. She has a Swallow and a star outline.

Where can somebody find a star outline for a craft project?

Templates for a star outline can be bought at craft shops. There are also lots of craft web sites with free patterns and ideas for projects using them.

Why is a star not a polygon?

The star is a polygon, but not a simple one. It is not simple because parts of the lines forming its boundaries are inside the star. The outline of a star is a simple polygon.

What is the HTML code for a half filled star character?

No html code for half filled stars. Full Filled Star - ★ Outline Star - ☆

Is a star a quadrilateral?

It is not - "quadrilateral" means "4 sides" (the prefix "quad" means 4, in the same way that "tri" means 3 or "oct" means 8).

Outline the history and probable future of your sun?

In the past it was a main sequence star. In the future it will be a giant star and will cool off.

What is a quadrilateral that is not a convex?

The Star Trek logo, if made into straight lines, would be a concave quadrilateral. Simply draw a triangle. Now, at any point along the sides, make a new point and move it inward and it will be a concave quadrilateral.

How many sides does star have?

A star does not have a fixed number of sides as a triangle or quadrilateral does. A star may have five points, six points, or ten points. The number of sides is twice the number of points, so a six-pointed star has 12 sides.

Which quadrilateral has 4 right angles is not quadrilateral?

If it is a quadrilateral it cannot be "not a quadrilateral"!

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What are the marks xoo and an outline of a star mean on jewelry?

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