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There are two triangles with sides 9 x 12 x 15 meters. Each of the two triangles is inversely congruent (mirror image) to the other.

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Q: Is there only one triangle with the sides 9 meter by 12 meter by 15 meter?
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A triangle has no parallel sides but a right angle triangle has perpendicular sides that meet at 90 degrees.

How do you make a triangle when you only know two sides and one angle?

Thats already a triangle if it three sides.

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You need the measures of two sides and for the triangle to be a right triangle to figure out the third side.

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No, only right triangle has one hypothenuse and two sides.

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One more because an equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides whereas a right isosceles triangle has only 2 equal sides.

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One more because an equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides whereas a right isosceles triangle has only 2 equal sides.

Is equilateral triangle always an isosceles triangle?

If an isosceles triangle is defined as one which has two sides (or angles) equal, then YES. But if an isosceles triangle is defined as one which has two sides (or angles) equal, and the third side (angle) different, then NO.

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Only one angle is formed by two sides of a triangle. It can be anything less than 180 degrees.

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A rectangle has four sides whereas a right angle triangle has only three sides.

What is the number of sides in one equilateral triangle one right angle triangle one isoceles triangle and two scalene triangles?

1 triangle = 3 sides, no matter what kind of triangle it is 5 triangles = 3 sides each = 15 sides

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The triangle is the only one.

What triangle is the one with only one side a different length?

An isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides and 1 side different in length