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Rows i had that question on my home work

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Jaden Blocker

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βˆ™ 5y ago


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Q: Lines opposite of columns
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What is a homophone for lines opposite of columns and red flower with thorny stern?

The homophone for "lines opposite of columns" is "rows", and the red flower with a thorny stem is a "rose".

Homophones for lines opposite of columns?

Some homophones for "lines" could be "lynes" or "lynes." And for "columns," some homophones could be "collumns" or "colloms."

What is the homophone for lines opposite of columns?

The homophone for "lines" (meaning a straight or curved geometric mark) opposite of columns is "lies" (meaning false statements or reclines).

What is homophone of opposite of columns?

The homophone of the opposite of "columns" is "aisles."

What is the homophone for opposite of columns?

The homophone for "opposite of columns" is "row." Both words sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.

What are lines opposite of the transversal lines?

Either parallel lines or longitudinal lines are opposite transversal lines.

What is an another name for rows?

columns. lines.

What is the homophone for lines opposite of columns and red flower with a thorny stem?

A red flower with a thorny stem may be a rose. Homophones for rose are rows and roes.

What are the horizontal lines in Excel called?

Rows and Columns and the "boxes" are called cells

What are the lines that divide columns and rows in tables called?


What lines that separate columns and rows in a table and that print?


What is the opposite of perpendicular lines?

Parallel lines