False. In volume, Mars is 0.15 times the volume of earth. Mars' radius is roughly half of Earth's radius.
10000 times larger
False. The abacus is much older.
I'm asking you for the answer
The area of the circle is 50.265482457436691815402294132472 inches2. The area of the rectangle is 210 inches2. The rectangle is larger in area by 159.73451754256330818459770586753 inches2,
4500 square meters is a much larger area.
No. Earth (diamater 12,756km) is much larger than Mars (diamater 6,787km).
No, Mars is much larger than Earth's moon.
Earth is about 53% larger than Mars in terms of diameter.
321.7 sidereal days.
Mars has about 11% of Earth's mass. Earth is much larger and more massive than Mars.
Earth is about 1.88 times larger than Mars.
It is a rocky planet that is much smaller and colder than earth.
It's a rocky planet, but is much smaller than earth and colder.
Earth is larger than Mars in terms of both diameter and mass. Earth has a diameter of about 12,742 kilometers, while Mars has a diameter of about 6,779 kilometers, making Earth about 1.9 times larger than Mars. Earth's mass is also greater than Mars', with Earth being about 10 times more massive than Mars.
The four planets larger than Earth are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The smaller planets than Earth are Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
The diameter of Mars is just over half the diameter of Earth.To be accurate, it depends on where you measure it.The equatorial radius of Mars is 3,396.2 km which is 0.533 Earth's 6,378.1 km.The polar radius of Mars is 3,376.2 km which is 0.531 Earth's 6,356.8 km.
It is a rocky planet but smaller and colder than the earth