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First we need to figure out how far it is around the box. Since it is a hexagonal box, we have 6 sides. Each side is 4 inches long, so it is 6*4 = 24 inches around the box. Then, we need to figure out how many inches are in a yard. One yards is 3 feet, and 1 foot is 12 inches, so we have 3 (feet/yard) * 12 (inches/foot) = 36 inches.

Since the box is 24 inches around, if she wraps the 36 inch (1 yard) ribbon around the box, she will have 36 - 24 = 12 inches left for the bow, but she needs 14, so no, it is not long enough.

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Q: Marta wants to tie a ribbon around the sides of a hexagonal box and then tie a bow Each side of the box is 4 inches long She needs 14 inches for the bow Is one yard of ribbon enough?
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