

Best Answer

Yes, mathematics is a very good subject, but so are spelling and grammar. Don't neglect any of them.

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Q: Maths is a good subject
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Is it true that if you're good at math you will fail engineering?

The Answer to your question is NO, indeed this is a rumour and some one has been fooling with you. In fact maths is very much needed in engineering and used directly or indirectly in some or the other subject like Applied Physics, Electronic Devices and Circiuts, etc. So if you are good in maths you will bot fail engineering. And even if by bad luck you fail in any subject, then its not because you are good in maths, but because your efforts in that subject were not up to the mark.

Is maths a science-based subject?

Maths is a science. It's not the typical science people think of, but it is a science. Science is a maths-based subject. You need maths in science but you don't need 'science' in maths. Your question can be interpreted in different ways, but it really depends on what you mean by science or maths and the definition you use.

How do you do an essay for math subject?

there s no essay for maths subject

Is maths subject necessary for architecture?

Yes maths and drawing both essential for architecture.