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a shoebox? that's the first thing that comes to mind for me!

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Q: Name one thing that is a rectangle?
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What is another name for an isosceles rectangle?

There is no such thing as an isosceles rectangle.

What is a rectangle hexagon with a side of 4 inches?

There can be no such thing as a rectangle hexagon. A rectangle is a polygon that is distinct from a hexagon.There can be no such thing as a rectangle hexagon. A rectangle is a polygon that is distinct from a hexagon.There can be no such thing as a rectangle hexagon. A rectangle is a polygon that is distinct from a hexagon.There can be no such thing as a rectangle hexagon. A rectangle is a polygon that is distinct from a hexagon.

What are four names for a rectangle?

One name is a square because the word square is a special name for rectangle

What three dimensional figure using 4 triangles and one rectangle?

it is a rectangular pyramid thing so it would have the rectangle as a base and the triangles on each side of the rectangle conected together

Can a parallelogram have the same area as a rectangle?

Yes it can. For one thing, a rectangle is a parallelogram so of course the answer is trivially yes. Now take a parallelogram that is not a rectangle. Area =basexheight These values can certainly be the same as the lenght of the sides of a rectangle.

What is the name for a parallelogram with one right angle?

A parallelogram with one right angle has four of them. The name for this figure is a rectangle.

How do you find an area of a shape rectangle square and a circle in C program?

By using that one thing.

What is the name of a rectangle slanted?

parallelegram is the name it is a rectangle that is sort of slanted

What is the name for a parallelogram that has perpendicular sides?


What is the scientific name for a rectangle?

Just that, a "rectangle".

Is a Square the same thing as a rectangle?

Yes. Although a rectangle cannot be a square.

What do you call a rectangle with rounded edges?

Many artists use a technique called 'start-with-rectangle-and-round-the-edges'this creates a near circular people most modern-day people call an oval. We are not sure of the scientifical name of an rounded-edge rectangle, but one thing is for sure, it is not a quadrilateral because not all four edges are present.