Its pretty easy to draw them just remember that a right angle is an angle thats exactly 90degress ,an obtuse angle is greater than 90 but less than 180 and acute is less than 90degress
So basically , you have an right angle and another angle . You draw an right angle over the angle your looking at and if its smaller than the right angle then its an acute angle . If its bigger than the right angle then its a obtuse angle . GoodLuck!(;
An acute angle has less than 90 degrees, an obtuse angle has greater than 90 degree but less than 180 degrees. A reflex angle has greater than 180 degrees.When in doubt, google image search.
Yes. Triangles can be classified by the measures of their angles asacute, right, or obtuse. An acute angle has a measure that is lessthan 90°. A right-angle measures exactly 90°. An obtuse angle hasa measure that is greater than 90°.
good question yes very good the answer is yes but it will only be classifed as a right angle.Additional answerThe definition of obtuse angle is one that is greater then 90 degrees. So you can't have an obtuse right angle. Sorry!
Yes providing the other 2 angles are acute
Yes. Every triangle with an obtuse angle must have two acute angles.
In the same way that you bisect an acute triangle. Alternatively, you could extend one of the rays of the obtuse angle so that you have an acute angle. Bisect that angle and then draw a perpendicular to the bisector of the acute angle through the vertex.
Acute or obtuse: Yes. Straight: No.
Triangles are either accute, obtuse, or right. To draw an accute triangle start by drawing an accute angle (less than 90 degrees). Then extend the ends of the angle and connect them making sure that both new angles are also acute. To draw a right triange first draw a right angle. Then extend the angle and connect to form two accute angles. To draw an obtuse triangle first draw an obtuse angle (greater than 90 degrees). Then extend the sides of the angle and connect creating 2 accute angles.
One angle must be an obtuse angle and the other two angles must be acute angles
A triangle can only have 1 right angle or 1 obtuse angle in it because its 3 interior angles add up to 180 degrees
So basically , you have an right angle and another angle . You draw an right angle over the angle your looking at and if its smaller than the right angle then its an acute angle . If its bigger than the right angle then its a obtuse angle . GoodLuck!(;
The letter V is an acute angle. Draw it large and label the point with a 'b' and the tips of the arms 'a' and 'c'. Any angle smaller than 90 degrees is acute. The letter L has a 90 degree (right) angle. The letter M has 3 acute angles. Angles greater than 90 degrees are obtuse. The letter X is usually written with two acute angles and two obtuse angles.
Yes providing that the other 2 angles are acute
Yes, its a triangle that has one obtuse angle (an angle over 90 degrees) and two acute angles (angles that are les that 90 degrees).
It's entirely possible to draw a quadrilateral with 3 acute angles.The fourth angle must be obtuse or reflex, but so what ? !