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Q: One type of transformation where a geometric figure is slid horizontally vertically or both?
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Related questions

What is a transformation that slides a figure horizontally and vertically called?

A transformation that slides a figure horizontally is called a translation. A transformation that slides a figure vertically is also called a translation.

What to do for translations of a figure?

Slide it along the plane: horizontally and vertically.

What preserves a geometric figure's size and shape?

congruence transformation

What is a change in the position shape or size of a geometric figure called?

a transformation

What operation that moves or changes a geometric figure in some way to produce a new figure?


What is a displacement in math?

It is moving a figure horizontally and/or vertically but keeping it of the same size and orientation.

A change of position of a geometric figure is a transformation?

Sounds more like a translation.

What is an operation that maps an original geometric figure onto a new figure?

A transformation: there are many different types of transformations.

What is the movement of geometric figures called?

Translation.Me: Well, a translation is when a figure is slid in any direction. A movement of geometric figures is called a Transformation. (:

How do you figure out the pitch of a roof?

The angle, or pitch, of a roof is calculated by the number of inches it rises vertically for every 12 inches it extends horizontally.

A term for a geometric figure that encloses another geometric figure?


What is it to draw a geometric figure outside another geometric figure?
