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If the letter P represents the perimeter, and the letter s is representative of the length of each side, then 4s, or the product of the size length and the number of sizes refers to a square.

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Q: P equals 4s is the formula for the perimeter of what shape?
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What is the formula for the perimeter of a diamond?

4s (s= the length of one side)

What is the formula for the perimeter of a squar?

If the length of one side of of a square is s, then the perimeter, P is found as:P = 4s

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Yes. But using P=4s is easier with a square.

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The formula for measuring the area of a square is s2, where s is the length of one of the sides. The perimeter would be 4s.

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40 ftperimeter formula for a square, 4s=P

What is the formula for finding the perimeter of a square?

If the length of one side of of a square is s, then the perimeter, P is found as:P = 4s

How do you get perimeter of a square?

The perimeter is the distance around the square. All four sides of a square are of equal length. The formula for finding the perimeter of a square is P = 4s (the length of one side multiplied by four)

How do you perimeter of a square?

The perimeter is the distance around the square. All four sides of a square are of equal length. The formula for finding the perimeter of a square is P = 4s (the length of one side multiplied by four)

What is the sum of a quadrilaterial?

The formula for quadrilaterals depends on what shape. Example.... Formula for rectangles: 2L x 2W Formula for squares: 4S

Perimeter of a Rhombus?

perimeter = 4S where:S is the length of any one side Like any polygon, the perimeter is the total distance around the outside, which can be found by adding together the length of each side. In the case of a rhombus, all four sides are the same length by definition, so the perimeter is four times the length of a side. Or as a formula: perimeter = 4S Sol was here!!

Can the perimeter of a rectangle can be found using the formula P 4s.?

Not really. All 4 sides of a rectangle are not the same (unless it is a square)

What is perimeter of a square 5 inches?

20 inches Formula: P=4s P=4*number you want to find P=answer