There are 31 of them. You can find them easily on your own, like this:
-- On a piece of paper, write the numbers from 1 to 31 in a vertical column ...
down the side of the paper.
-- Start with ' 1 '. Multiply each number by itself, and write the result next to it.
-- Next to 1, you'll write '1'. Next to '2', you'll write '4'. Next to '3', you'll write '9'.
Keep going like that, one at a time, all the way down your list of numbers.
-- When you get down to 31, you'll write '961' next to it, and that'll be the biggest
perfect square number that's less than 1,000 . The next one is 1,024.
I suggest you try to split the number up into prime factors. It should then be clear what the largest square factor is - simply look for repeated prime factors.
A meter is about 3.3 ft long. So a square meter would be about = 3.3^2 = 10.89 ft^2. NOTE that's square feet (ft^2). Approximately. You can look up more precise numbers if you need them.
because it is now shut up
The interior angles of a square add up to 360 degrees.
Assuming that that you are just going to travel from point A to point B in a straight line, all 8000 of the acres are perfect squares and you are intersecting them all at the same right angle, ie. you are walking in a perfectly straight line from south to north and all the perfectly square acres are lined up from south to north, the answer is, approximately, 316.2. A perfect square mile is 25.3 acres long by 25.3 acres wide. 8000 divided by 25.3 equals 316.2.
square numbers 1 to 1000
They are the squares of the numbers 1 to 31. Use a calculator to find them.
A square number is any number multiplied by itself. 1 is a square number, since 1 x 1 = 1. 2 is not, since there is no integer that you can multiply by itself to get 2. 4 is the next square number, since 2 x 2 = 4. Squaring 3, 4, and 5 give the next three square numbers: 9, 16, and 25. To get the first thousand square numbers, take each of the first thousand natural numbers (1, 2, 3, ... 1000) and multiply them by themselves. This will produce the first thousand square numbers, ranging from 1 (1x1) to 1,000,000 (1,000 x 1,000).
One possible conjecture is that each square number up to 1000 has 4 factors. The conjecture is manifestly false, but it is still a conjecture.
right angle square
Because numbers are infinite, there is an infinite number of answers. e.g. What number should be added to 2 to make a perfect square? 2+2=4 (a perfect square) 2+7=9 (a perfect square) 2+14=16 (a perfect square) 2+23=25 (a perfect square) etc... Did you have a specific number in mind.
Take the square root of 1617 and round it up. Take the square root of 5929 and round it down. That gives you the lower and upper range of the numbers which you must square to get the desired perfect squares.
1000+1000 1000x2
1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144,169,196,225,256,289,324,361,400 All the square numbers up to 20!
The perfect squares up to 4 are 1 and 4.