I work with asphalt, paving roads. We have to figure out how mush asphalt it will take to pave or resurface a road. We do this based on the length, width and how thick we are going to put it down. With a known weight per square yard we can figure out how many tons of asphalt we will need for a given road. We also use this in reverse to check how much asphalt we are putting down per square yard as we go along.
Write up of the project on geometry in real life
in real life what are applications of alanlytical geometry
maths is incomplete without geometry..........it affects our life in all ways.everyday,each second.........geometry is around us
In architecture, engineering, drawing etc, geometry can be very important.
Write up of the project on geometry in real life
Write up of geometry in real life
in real life what are applications of alanlytical geometry
geometry in real life as the statement seems is just simply geometry in real life if we observe carefully in our everyday surrondings such as the shape of trees ,cars ,houses and even our own human body we can observe geometry for eg. most houses are rectangular in shape etc.
maths is incomplete without geometry..........it affects our life in all ways.everyday,each second.........geometry is around us
In architecture, engineering, drawing etc, geometry can be very important.
a sheet of paper
Yes, it can be used in real life. For example: You want to buy a photoframe from a shop. You are choosing the right size for your photo. What do you need? Geometry. If you don't take 12cm x 12 cm as geometry, then look at angles. Imagine you want to build a pyramid, and the traingular faces must be equilateral, you need geometry to make sure that each angle is 60 degrees. So, geometry can be used in real life.
well idk well but i did dis project too n ya....ill just tell ya wat i wrote:P I have learned variety of things through this geometry project. I learned how geometry is a huge part of our environment and how it develops our living in many ways. Also, I now have a broader understanding of geometry and its usefulness to everyday life. Starting from the history and the background of geometry, I recognized the connections between mathematics and world history. In addition, in-depth understanding of one major historical figures in the evolution of geometry. With shapes and the terms of geometry, hope it helped u