Segments of equal length are called congruent segments. You can identify them by congruency marks. congruency marks look like this on your line: ---l-----------l---
A right angle.
It is an isosceles triangle.
An equilateral triangle has three sides of equal length.
An isosceles triangle has two sides of equal length.
The kind of triangle with two sides the same length is an isosceles triangle.
Segments of equal length are congruent segments.
a triangle has 3 line segments u are
its a switch
Perpendicular line segments intercept each other at 90 degrees which is a right angle.
to be kind of person presentable as personility
bathroom wall, window
Straight ones... Not truly lines, but segments
Parallel lines.
By definition, any lines/segments that are perpendicular to each other either do, or (in the case of non-intersecting segments) would, intersect each other at right angles. A right angle being a 90* angle. Therefore, perpendicular, intersecting line segments will form 4 90* angles.
Right Angle
Straight line segments