A square mile is an area measurement, not a specific shape. They could be just about anything, as long as they multiply together to make one square mile. 1 mile by 1 mile is a square mile. Two miles by half a mile is a square mile. 1 foot by 5280 miles is a square mile. This means that 8 square miles can be 2 miles by 4 miles or 1 mile by 8 miles.
There are 640 acres in 1 square mile. So (1/2 mile)*(1/4 mile) = 1/8 square mile, or:(1/8 square mile)*(640 acre/square mile) = 80 acres
There are 2,589,988.11 square meters in 1 square mile
There are about 2.59 square kilometers in 1 square mile.
There are 40 acres in 1/16th of a square mile 1 square mile = 640 acres
India - 1,269,210 square miles.
India's population density is 970 people per square mile.
The population density of India as per 2001 census is 324 persons per sq.km
Monaco is #1 with a rating of more than 41,000 people per square mile. Singapore is second with a rating of over 16,500 people per square mile. China has the largest population in the world and India is second but neither has the highest density (the rating of people per square mile) China is 53rd in the world for density, India ranks at 18th with just over 1,080,000,000 people spread over 1,269,000 square miles. India's density rating is 851 people per square mile, similar to Japan's rating of 873 people per square mile (Japan being 1/10 the population of India, but not quite 1/10th its land mass)
Yes, there are about 310 persons per square mile.
10% of a square mile = 0.10 * a square mile
A mile is the length of a line, square miles are the measure of area, typically of a square or rectangle
A square mile is a square mile wherever it is. Except Italy would have kilometers, and a square kilometer is smaller than a square mile
A square mile is equal to 27,878,400 square inches.
There are 27,878,400 square feet in one square mile. This is derived by the conversion factor that 1 mile is equal to 5,280 feet, thus resulting in 27,878,400 square feet in a square mile.
There are 2.6 square km in a square mile.