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Q: The bases for a cylinder must be two discs which are parallel and?
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The bases for a cylinder must be parallel and congruent?


The bases for a cylinder must be two discs that are parallel and?


Do The bases of a cylinder must be polygons?

A cylinder has circular parallel bases

The bases for a cylinder must be parallel and congruen?


Must the bases of a cylinder be polygons?


What is a quadrilateral with 1 pair of parallel sides?

This shape is called a rhombus. Its area can be found by averages the two "bases" (i.e. the parallel sides: (b1+b2)/2) and multiplying that average by the height of the rhombus. Remember, the height must be perpendicular to one of the bases.

What figure has 2 bases but no faces?

Many references consider a face must be a flat surface, so a cylinder would fit this.

What have 2 parallel bases that are not polygons?

There are several cases: any 3 dimensional or more object. Since a polygon is defined as being confined to a single plane, any shape that violates the plane is not a polygon but may still have parallel bases. For cases in only 2 dimensions: Any object that has curves in addition to the parallel bases. A polygon's definition includes only straight sides. Finally, unclosed shapes can have 2 parallel bases with out being polygons even if in a single plane and made up of only straight line sides. A polygon must be closed.

What is important about parallel?

The importance is that parallel lines must never meet.

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# You do not need to buy the game. # You must buy a PSP and then they will give you a box of discs # Inside the book of discs is the Ben10 game in one of the discs or more maybe.......

A Cylinder has how many Bases?

2. One at the top and one at the bottom. The face that is cylindrical cannot be counted as a base because it is curved - in 3D shapes the base must be flat.

Why do your brake lights stay on on your citroen c3?

Brake lights on can mean no brake fluid, worn out brake pads, faults in the master cylinder. Must take your car to the garage immediately. Worn out brake pads can damage the discs which are expensive to change.