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Q: The broken part of a tree makes an angle of 50 degrees with the ground and the top is 20 feet from its base. H ow tall was the tree?
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A tree broken over by the wind forms a right triangle with the ground If the broken part makes an angle of 50 degrees with the ground and if the top of the tree is now 20 feet from its base how tall?

A tree broken over by storm forms a right triangle with the ground. If the broken part makes an angle 50o with the ground and if the top of the tree is now 20 ft from its base, how tall was the tree?

What type of angle makes a straight line?

180 degrees -- a straight angle

What does a straight angle makes?

A straight angle (180 degrees) makes a perfectly straight line. Any degree below 180 degrees (0-179 degrees) is NOT a straight angle NOR a straight line. straight angle = 180 degrees straight angle = straight line 180 degrees

What is an angle that when added to a given angle makes 180 degrees?

Are you talking about a reflex angle; an angle that has a larger number degrees than 180.

What makes a right angle?

90 degrees

How many degrees make up a right angle?

A total of 90 degrees makes up a right angle.

What makes an obtuse angle?

An angle must be over 90 degrees to be obtuse.

What angle that makes a straight line?

90 degrees

How far from the base of a house is the bottom of a 25 ft ladder that makes an angle of 65 degrees with the ground?

It is: 25*cosine(65) = 10.565 feet rounded

Is 50 degrees an acute angle?

Yes because it is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees which makes 50 degrees an acute angle

A 30 foot ladder leaning against the side of a house makes a 70 degrees 5' angle with the ground how far up the side of the house does the ladder reach?

Round the base angle to 70 degrees and use the sine ratio: 30*sine 70 degrees = 28.19077862 feet Height of ladder from the ground = 28 feet to 2 s.f.

What makes an angle acute?

If it is less than 90 degrees.