Receipts are mandatory for all lodging and expenses of $75 or more and most lodging expenses.
Receipts are mandatory for all expenses of $75 or more regardless of expense type.
Receipts are mandatory for all expenses of $75 or more and all lodging expenses.
DTS eliminates the requirement for obligations and disbursements.
Receipts are mandatory for all expenses of $75 or more regardless of expense type.
Receipts are mandatory for all expenses of $75 or more and all lodging expenses.
Receipts are mandatory for all expenses of $75 or more and all lodging expenses.
Receipts are mandatory for all expenses of $75 or more and all lodging expenses.
Receipts are mandatory for all expenses of $75 or more and all lodging expenses.
DTS eliminates the requirement for obligations and disbursements.
In dts a traveler is able to blank his receipt
DTS is not a leave approving system, so there is no need to reflect leave in dts.
Receipts are mandatory for all expenses of $75 or more and all lodging expenses.
Learn the system
You need permission level 5 to access others' travel documents.
All electronically attached receipts