== == Through any two points there is exactly one straight line.
In plane geometry there is exactly one straight line through two points. There can be any number of curved lines.
It takes exactly 2 distinct points to uniquely define a line, i.e. for any two distinct points, there is a unique line containing them.
== == Through any two points there is exactly one straight line.
In plane geometry there is exactly one straight line through two points. There can be any number of curved lines.
between two point there is exactly one line between three points there is exactly one plane
There is exactly one line that can pass through two distinct points. This line is uniquely determined by the two points.
Any two points are always collinear, since you can draw a straight line passing through any two points.
The two lines are identical.
It takes exactly 2 distinct points to uniquely define a line, i.e. for any two distinct points, there is a unique line containing them.
Yes, two points are always collinear. You can draw a line through any two points.
No. There is exactly one line (and therefore line segment) through any two points.