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Definitions are opinions; they are used to simplify the processing of contexts rather than to express absolute truths. Opinions don't have truth values. Therefore, the answer to your question is no. Not "true" or "false" but simply no.

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Q: True or false a prediction is a statement based on the results of an experiment?
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Is a prediction a statement based on the results of an experiment?

No, I believe that would be a hypothesis. A prediction would be forecasting the unknown without the assistance of the results.

Making an educated guess on the results of an experiment based on observations and the hypothesis is called making a?


What is a parts of experiment?

parts of an experimentHypothesis {[A statement that can be tested}]Prediction or Inference {[Prediction based on observations}]Independent Variable {[The variable that is changed}]Dependent Variable {[Factor that is being measured}]Conclusion {[The result of the experiment}]Hope this helps you :) ;)

What is a prediction in science terms?

A prediction in science is a statement that forecasts what is expected to happen in a specific experiment or observation. It is based on scientific knowledge and serves as a testable hypothesis that helps guide research and verify theories.

What does a prediction mean in science?

In science, a prediction refers to a statement or explanation about what is expected to happen in a particular situation or experiment. It is based on existing knowledge, prior observations, and the use of logical reasoning. Predictions allow scientists to test their hypotheses and theories, as well as guide their research and investigations.

which statement is a good example of prediction based on this book cover apex?

the answer

What is the definition of the word prediction?

A prediction is a statement about a future event or outcome based on evidence, experience, or reasoning. It involves forecasting what may happen in the future based on current information or trends.

What is the process of making a prediction based on the results of prior observation of similar events?


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What is a statement based on observation and experiment?

Bee can communicate by color

A simple statement about a future event based on previous knowledge of similar events is an?

* prediction * extrapolation

At the end of an experiment the scientist forms a conclusion based on?

They form their conclusion based on the results of their experiment eg. How much the temperature changed