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a scalene triangle

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Q: Type of triangle with no congruent sides?
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A triangle with three congruent sides is an?

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A type of triangle with two congruent sides?

An isosceles triangle has two congruent sides.

What is a Type of triangle with 3 congruent sides?

It is an equilateral triangle that has 3 congruent sides

What type of triangle has 1 right angle and 2 congruent sides?

Isosceles Triangle - 2 congruent sides Equilateral Triangle - all three sides are congruent Scalene triangle - no sides are congruent

What is a type of triangle with no congruent sides?

Scalene Triangle

What type of triangle has three congruent sides and three congruent angles?

An equilateral triangle.

A triangle with two congruent sides is this type of triangle?


A type of triangle that has at least two congruent sides?

An isosceles triangle

How do you describe triangles by the sides?

Scalene Triangle- a triangle with no congruent sides Isosceles Triangle- a triangle with two congruent sides Equilateral Triangle- a triangle with three congruent sides

What is a triangle with 2 congruent sides and 2 congruent angles?


What triangle has no congruent sides?

A scalene triangle has no congruent sides. An equilateral has all equal sides, and an isosceles triangle has two of three sides equal.

What are triangles with at least two congruent sides?

A triangle with two congruent sides is an isoscelestriangle. But an equilateral triangle has two congruent sides. (It actually has three congruent sides.) And isosceles triangle is generally described as a triangle with exactly two congruent sides.