No. The Gupta Empire was in India, and Euclid's school was in Alexandria in ancient Egypt.
empre culasina
"I will love you forever". By the way, siempre is one word.
None - the Persian empre stretched from Libya to Central Asia which covers many modern countries, none of which is 'most' of that vast area.
Palestine was conquered three times in the Seventh Century. At the beginning of the century, it was controlled by the Byzantine Empre. It was then conquered by the Sassanian Empire. The Sassanian Empire lost Palestine to the Byzantines around a decade later. The Muslim Arabs conquered Palestine from the Byzantines around a decade after that.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -EMPRE. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter E and 3rd letter M and 4th letter P and 5th letter R and 6th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: sempre
The king of Ghana gained wealth by taxing trade. Using the wealth gained from this taxation, Ghana quickly expanded into an empire. It conquered surrounding lands. The people living in the conquered lands were forced to give a tribute, or payment, to Ghana's king.
they both focused on religion
Due to a cultural set of mores that was not seen as productive. Also, they were completely behind in many fields of technology, industry, education, production and much else that what was a modern Europe appeared to be excelling at. The cultural legacy of the ottomans when contrasted withal any European power state is equal or more illustrious. What appeared as a childish fear of technologists now being heeded as a sound concern for all the steps we have taken toward a modern existence have robbed us of the simple, pleasurable human existence and set one and all upon a path of indentured servitude from birth....
one reason why immigrants came to the homelands was for our freedom! They got here to build thing called United States yeah some people immigrated long ago from Europe and bought the North American dream United States was built on immigration
No emperor divided the empire into two halves. The empire was never divided. Eastern Roman Empire and Western Roman Empire are terms which have been coined by historians. The Romans had only one term: Roman Empire.The emperor Diocletian created the tetrarchy (rule by four) and created fourmain administrative units (not two) which were called praetorian prefectures. Diocletian appointed fellow general Maximian as co-emperor. Maximian took overall control of the western part of the empire, while Diocletian took overall control of the eastern part. These two men became senior emperors (Augusti) when Diocletian appointed the creation of two junior emperors (Caesars). The Caesars, Galerius and Constantius, were subordinate to the Augusti and took charge of defending the troubled frontiers along the rivers Danube (in the east) and Rhine (in the west) and respectively, which were under constant attack from outside. Each co-emperor was in charge of one of the four praetorian prefectures. Diocletian took charge of Oriens: eastern Libya (Cyrenaica) Egypt. the territories in Asia and Thrace (the south-eastern corner of the Balkan Peninsula). Maximilian took charge of Italia: Italy Africa (north-western Africa). Constantius I took charge of of Galliae: Britannia (England and Wales) and Gaul and Hispania (spain and Portugal). The Galerius took charge of Illyricum: most of the Balkan Peninsula in south-eastern Europe. These were units of a single empire which, Diocletian stressed, was indivisible. Each emperor had an imperial seat. They were Nicomedia(modern Izmit in north-western Turkey) for Oriens Sirmium(modern Sremska Mitrovica, near Belgrade, in Serbia) for Illyricum, Mediolanum(modern Milan in Italy) for Italia et Africa and AugustaTrevorum(modern Triers in Germany) for Galliae. Rome ceased to be the capital of the Empire.This reform had several aims: 1) The bad experience of recent sole emperors suggested to Diocletian that sole emperors were vulnerable and that co-emperorship made power more secure. 2) Diocletian had no male issue. Therefore, he needed a trusted co-ruler from outside the family. 3) There was a need to improve imperial control over the empire. There had been conflict between powerful men in every province of the empire. Diocletian shared controlling the provinces with Maximian. 4) There was also a need to improve the efficiency of the defence of the vast frontiers of the empire from constant attacks from outside. The creation of these four units was not a division of the empire which, as Diocletian stressed, was indivisible. It was an administrative arrangement.Co-emperorship was not new. Previously emperors had made their sons co-emperors with one in charge of the east and the other in charge of the east. The purpose was the same, improving the defence of the frontiers. After the tetrarchy, there was an alternation of periods of co-emperorship and periods with a sole emperor. This clearly shows that the empire was not divided.The creation of rule by four men was accompanied by a doubling in the number of provinces and a tightening of the grip of the imperial bureaucracy over them and local affairs. This enormously increased the size of the imperial bureaucracy and the cost of imperial administration.
Constantinople was an ideal place for a city. It controlled the entrances to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea while on the land side it controlled both Europe and Asian trade routes. Revenue from taxes came from all the ships and caravans that passed through the area.Constantinople was an ideal place for a city. It controlled the entrances to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea while on the land side it controlled both Europe and Asian trade routes. Revenue from taxes came from all the ships and caravans that passed through the area.Constantinople was an ideal place for a city. It controlled the entrances to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea while on the land side it controlled both Europe and Asian trade routes. Revenue from taxes came from all the ships and caravans that passed through the area.Constantinople was an ideal place for a city. It controlled the entrances to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea while on the land side it controlled both Europe and Asian trade routes. Revenue from taxes came from all the ships and caravans that passed through the area.Constantinople was an ideal place for a city. It controlled the entrances to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea while on the land side it controlled both Europe and Asian trade routes. Revenue from taxes came from all the ships and caravans that passed through the area.Constantinople was an ideal place for a city. It controlled the entrances to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea while on the land side it controlled both Europe and Asian trade routes. Revenue from taxes came from all the ships and caravans that passed through the area.Constantinople was an ideal place for a city. It controlled the entrances to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea while on the land side it controlled both Europe and Asian trade routes. Revenue from taxes came from all the ships and caravans that passed through the area.Constantinople was an ideal place for a city. It controlled the entrances to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea while on the land side it controlled both Europe and Asian trade routes. Revenue from taxes came from all the ships and caravans that passed through the area.Constantinople was an ideal place for a city. It controlled the entrances to the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea while on the land side it controlled both Europe and Asian trade routes. Revenue from taxes came from all the ships and caravans that passed through the area.
the roman army consisted of over 5000 people. all of these were male but some were still young boys. the roman army not only fought in battles but carried out orders given to them by the emperor/senate/consul (who gave the orders depends on the time frame) for e.g. these orders might be to build a wall to protect the city or a fort as a lookout. hope that helps! :) :) :)