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monique robles

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Q: What- Mike notices the triangle shown in the design of a building near his house. What are the values of the angle measures?
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Design Triangle was created in 1986.

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Building Design Partnership was created in 1961.

How do you know if a building is a modern building?

this is the building with a very modern design. i didn't know rhat the building was with a very modern design.

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You can design a poo

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What has the author Betty Ayers written?

Betty Ayers has written: 'A guide to the design and lettering of posters and notices in the WI'

When was Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau created?

Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau was created in 1927.

What is a earthgquakes proof building?

preventive measures to be taken to resist earthquake in terms of detailing of reinforcements (ductlity, confinements, etc) and increased sectional properties of concrete memers, etc.. If the building is said to be EQ resistant building, it means EQ loads are to be included in the analysis and design..and the same should be implemented in to the site/construction.

What is the difference between an independent measures design and a repeated measures design?

A repeated measures design involves all participants being used for all possible setups. For example, if you were testing how different music genres effected performance on a spelling test, you would give each participant multiple spelling tests for each genre. Independent measures means that different participants are used for the different setups.

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