a parrollellogram * * * * * No, a parrollollogram - or even a parallelogram - is not a 3d shape! The correct answer is a tetrahedron or a triangle based pyramid.
That's impossible. A shape has three or more sides/faces. There is NO shape that has one or two sides/faces
In a 3D world with 6 sides it is a cube.
An octahedron is a 3D shape with 8 sides.
No 3D shape with FLAT SIDES has exactly 3 faces. 4 is the minimum.
A 3d shape can have infinite sides
sides are the face of a 3d shape and verticies are the corner of the shape
That is a Dodecahedron.
No 3D shape has only three sides to be a complete unit. If a 3D shape has a side which is curved, it has more than three sides, because any curve on a 3D object is an infinite number of sides. Think of it like if you had a million sided 2D object. From a distance, it would look like a circle, but mathematically, you can't have a perfect circle.
A septadecahedron has 17 sides to it.
Pentadecagon; Pentakaidecagon
2D shape = Decagon 3D shape = Decahedron
triangular pyramid.