a parrollellogram * * * * * No, a parrollollogram - or even a parallelogram - is not a 3d shape! The correct answer is a tetrahedron or a triangle based pyramid.
A quadrilateral is a plane or 2d figure with four sides. A 3d shape (object) has a name ending with -hedron, eg a tetrahedron which is a four sided 3d shape. A 3d quadrilateral has no meaning. Sides (edges) do exist in 3d shapes, but a more pertinent attribute is faces. Do you mean by "3d quadrilateral" a 3d shape which has a quadrilateral as a base and at most 4 or 5 other sides, ie a pentahedron (usually called a square pyramid) or a hexahedron (some types of which are called cuboids and cubes)? Please re-ask using consistent terminology, eg What is a 3d shape with one pair of parallel faces and 6 faces?
That's impossible. A shape has three or more sides/faces. There is NO shape that has one or two sides/faces
In a 3D world with 6 sides it is a cube.
triangular pyramid.
A 3d shape can have infinite sides
it is a 3D shape and has 4 sides
No 3D shape with FLAT SIDES has exactly 3 faces. 4 is the minimum.
A right square based pyramid.
A tetrahedron has four equilateral triangles as sides
sides are the face of a 3d shape and verticies are the corner of the shape
That is a Dodecahedron.
tetrahedron is a 4 faced 3d shape.
A septadecahedron has 17 sides to it.