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76 trombones that led the big parade

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Q: What 76 t that L the B P?
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How many lower case letters and capital letters have a right angle?

The uppercase letters B, D, E, F, H, J, L, P, R, and T have right angles, and K does in some fonts, as well as the letter I when it has a top and bottom. The lowercase letters, unless deliberately curved are a, b, d, f, and t and sometimes k and p, and l (L) if it has a horizontal base. The letter e has an intersection where the right angle has no actual length due to its curve.

How do you find the centroid of a triangle using a coordinate plane?

If the coordinates of the three vertices are A = (p, s) B = (q, t) and R = (r, u) then centroid, G = [(p+q+r)/3, (s+t+u)/3].

How many letters of the alphabet have perpendicular line segments?

The answer to this probably depends on (a) the font and (b) wheter the uppercase letter or the lowercase letters are considered. In this particular font, in uppercase B D E F H I K L M N P R and T all have perpendicular segments, G has a short perpendicular segment J has a perpendicular segment which ends in a curve U has two perpendicular segments joined by a curve and in lowercase b d h i k l m n p r and u all have perpendicular segments a f g j and t all have perpendicular segments with curved parts.

How many letters have a right angle acute angle and obtuse angle?

Some letters fit into more than one group. Some letters depend on the font,such as B D R P etc. Here is my count:11 Right angles: A L T B D E F G H I P R 9 Accute angles: A K M N V W X Y Z3 Obtuse angles: K X Y

Construct a Truth Table for the statement NOT p - p?

Making a truth table is actually very simple.For the statement P, it can either be true, or false.P--TFNOT P, or -p (or ~p) is the opposite. If P is true, then not P is... false!The same holds true for if P is false, what is not P? True!The truth table for ~p looks like thisP | ~p--------T | FF | T

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h t t p s :/ / y a z i n g . c o m / d e a l s / b l u e h o s t / P a p i t o T 1 7 Remove spaces thanks you and good luck!!