The uppercase letters B, D, E, F, H, J, L, P, R, and T have right angles, and K does in some fonts, as well as the letter I when it has a top and bottom. The lowercase letters, unless deliberately curved are a, b, d, f, and t and sometimes k and p, and l (L) if it has a horizontal base. The letter e has an intersection where the right angle has no actual length due to its curve.
If the coordinates of the three vertices are A = (p, s) B = (q, t) and R = (r, u) then centroid, G = [(p+q+r)/3, (s+t+u)/3].
The answer to this probably depends on (a) the font and (b) wheter the uppercase letter or the lowercase letters are considered. In this particular font, in uppercase B D E F H I K L M N P R and T all have perpendicular segments, G has a short perpendicular segment J has a perpendicular segment which ends in a curve U has two perpendicular segments joined by a curve and in lowercase b d h i k l m n p r and u all have perpendicular segments a f g j and t all have perpendicular segments with curved parts.
Some letters fit into more than one group. Some letters depend on the font,such as B D R P etc. Here is my count:11 Right angles: A L T B D E F G H I P R 9 Accute angles: A K M N V W X Y Z3 Obtuse angles: K X Y
Making a truth table is actually very simple.For the statement P, it can either be true, or false.P--TFNOT P, or -p (or ~p) is the opposite. If P is true, then not P is... false!The same holds true for if P is false, what is not P? True!The truth table for ~p looks like thisP | ~p--------T | FF | T
76 trombones led the big parade
76 trombones in the big parade.
76 Trombones (of/led) the Big Parade
Trombones in the Big Parade
t b o t d i a b w a l o p w d i m t t a l
dot, you, toad, tip
The Alphabet is spelt like this: A-L-P-H-A-B-E-T
h t t p s :/ / y a z i n g . c o m / d e a l s / b l u e h o s t / P a p i t o T 1 7 Remove spaces
h t t p s :/ / y a z i n g . c o m / d e a l s / b l u e h o s t / P a p i t o T 1 7 Remove spaces thanks you and good luck!!