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it is used on right triangles which is a triangle with a 90 degree angle. a^2+b^2=c^2 the c^2 is always the longest side.

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Q: What Shape is the Pythagrean Therom used on?
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What is pathagreon therom?

its the therom that states that a2+b2=c2 :). it is used for triangles. i dont know about other shapes. but is for triangles

Where is Pythagoras therom used?

this therom is used when u need to find a measurement of a side of a triangle. A, B, or C A= base B=base C= Hypotnuse HOPE I HELPED

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1) his most famous and used therom in math the Pythagoras therom @ @ C^2 = A^2 +B^2 @ @ The discovery of the modern octave scale used in music

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What is the Pythagorean therom?


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Is the following shape a right triangle how do you know?

If it contains a 90 degree angle and two acute angles that add up to 90 degrees then it is a right angle triangle.