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A sphere has no angles.

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Q: What angle does a sphere have?
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Can a triangle have an obtuse angle a right angle and an acute angle?

Yes you can by drawing it on a sphere

Is a sphere oblique or right?

I believe that a sphere is neither oblique nor a right (angle?).

What is the angle of the sun above you on a summer solstice?

the earths shape is sphere.

Something that looks the same from every angle?

A sphere

Why earth is flat although it is sphere?

it seems flat however its at such a small angle that it shapes ito a sphere

Does sphere have a base?

A sphere is the same from every angle, so no, it doesn't have a base.

What is a steradian?

A steradian is the solid angle subtended at the centre of a sphere by radius r by a portion of the surface of the sphere which has area r2.

Is a sphere 360 degrees?

We can't say how many degrees there are in a sphere, any more than we can say how many feet there are in an acre. Feet are a measure of length, and an acre is an area, not a length. You can't measure an area with a tape measure. Likewise, degrees are a measure of an angle; you can sweep out a circle by swinging a line through an angle of 360 degrees. But you can't sweep out a sphere by swinging a line through some angle, so angle measure won't do to measure a sphere.

How many steradians in a sphere?

At first, let us define an angle in radians: Consider an arc of lenght L over an angle alfa in a circle with radius R. The angle alfa is defined as alfa=L/R [in radians]. Similarly, an stereo angle is defined in a sphere with radius R over an area S, and the stereo angle alfa is defined as: alfa=S/R^2 [in steradians]. The sphere has S=4.pi.R^2, so the corresponding angle of the sphere in steradians is alfa=S/R^2 alfa=4.pi.R^2/R^2 alfa=4.pi [steradians]

Does a sphere have apex?

Not normally because an apex angle is found on an isosceles triangle.

How many circular bases does a sphere have?

none because its the same from every angle

What shape is the same shape no matter how you look at it from any angle or direction?

A square or... ummm... let me think there is not real shape that can do that they all have corners or sides!! or HAHA a sphere!! A sphere is the correct answer.