

What angle is 70?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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A 70 degree angle is classified as acute because it is less than 90 degrees.

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7y ago

If you mean 70 degrees, that's a bit less than a right angle (which has 90 degrees).

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What is a 70 angle called?

A 70° angle is called an Acute angle.

Supplrment of a 70 degree angle?

180 - 70 = 110. The supplement is 110 degree angle.

What is a 70 degree angle called?

An angle of 70 degrees is an acute angle because it is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees.

What is the measure of an angle that has a supplement angle that is 70 degrees more than 5 times that of its compliment?

Let the angle be A, then the supplementary angle is (180 - A) and the complementary angle is (90 - A). 180 - A = 70 + 5(90 - A) = 70 + 450 - 5A = 520 - 5A 4A = 520 - 180 = 340 A = 85° Then, 95 = 70 + 5(5) = 70 + 25 = 95

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The answer depends on what the angle is missing from!

What angle is supplementary to a 70 degree angle?

A supplementary angles are 2 angles that equal 180. 70+110=180

What is the measure of an angle supplementary to a 70 degree angle?

Hint: 180 take away 70... 180o - 70o = 110o

What complementary angle to a 70 degrees angle has a measure of?

Complementary angles add to 90 degrees so the complementary angle to 70 degrees has a measure of 20 deg.

What would 70 degree angle called?

It is an acute angle.

What angle is complementary to the angle having twenty degrees?

70 degrees

What is 70 DEGREE?

A 70 degree angle is an acute angle because it is greater than 0 but less than 90 degrees

What is the measure of an angle that is 70 degrees more than its supplement?

Supplementary angles add up to 180° Let the smaller angle be x, then the larger angle is x + 70°, and: x + (x + 70°) = 180° → 2x + 70° = 180° → 2x = 110° → x = 55° → x + 70° = 55° + 70° = 125° Thus the two angles are 55° and 125°. Therefore the angle you want is the larger at 125°.