3 names for a parallelogram
There are many different quadrilaterals such as squares, trapezoids, rectangles, rhombus and parallelogram.
Quadrilateral and parallelogram
Square, rectangle, rhombus, parallelogram, kite and trapezoid are all special names for different types of quadrilaterals.
rhombus rectangle
There is no other name for a parallelogram. Special types of parallelograms have other names but these names do not apply to other parallelograms.
Parallelogram and Rectangle
3 names for a parallelogram
A rhombus, a parallelogram, and a rectangle, are different examples of quadrilaterals, that is, four-sided shapes.
Every rectangle is also a parallelogram and a quadrilateral.
There are many different quadrilaterals such as squares, trapezoids, rectangles, rhombus and parallelogram.
a square and a rectangle and a rhombus and a parallelogram
a polygon
A parallelogram is also a square, rhombus, and rectangle.
A parallelogram is a 4 sided quadrilateral.
They are just different names for the same shape. * * * * * Actually, they are not. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all its sides of the same length. It is, therefore a special kind of parallelogram. (Just like a square is a special kind of rectangle). So all properties of a parallelogram apply to a rhombus.