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Coordinate Grids, I believe.

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Q: What are lines on a map called?
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What are the imaginary lines on the globe and map?

The horizontal lines are called latitudes and the vertical lines are called longitudes.

What are the lines called that connects points of equal elevation on a map?

The are called Contour Lines.

What are lines on a map connecting places having equal humidity called?

Lines on a map connecting places with equal humidity are called isohyets.

What is a map with contour lines called?

A map with contour lines is called a topographic map. These lines represent changes in elevation and help to visualize the shape of the terrain. Topographic maps are commonly used for hiking, surveying, and land navigation.

What is Vertical lines on a map are also called?

Vertical lines on a map are also called lines of longitude or meridians. These lines run from the North Pole to the South Pole and are used to measure the east-west position of a location on Earth. The prime meridian, located at 0 degrees longitude, is the starting point for measuring these lines.

Which lines are parallel to each other on map?

The lines are parallel on the map are called Latitudes.

What are the lines called that the map out the magnetic field around a magnet?

They are called the magnetic field lines.

What are the lines called that map out the magnetic field around magnetic?

They are called the magnetic field lines.

What are lines called that map out the magnets field around the magnet?

They are called the magnetic field lines.

What are lines on a map labeled with elevation?

Called both Elevation Lines or Contour Lines

North and south lines that intersect latitude lines on a map?

The lines that are perpendicular to the latitude lines on a map are called longitudinal lines. There are 24 of them, each representing 15 degrees of change.

What are the lines on a weather map on TV called?
