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Q: What are objects that could act like prisms?
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When droplets of water in the atmosphere act like prisms the colors in sunlight undergo?

a phenomenon called dispersion. This causes the different wavelengths of light to separate, resulting in the formation of a rainbow. The droplets act as miniature prisms, bending and reflecting light to create the distinctive bands of colors.

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Java variables act as object or not?

How a Java variable would act depends on the variable's data type. Variables of the primitive data types like int, char, float etc would not act as objects. But apart from them, all other data types would act as Objects. Almost all data types would extend from java.lang.Object and would behave as objects.

Why do the gravitational act on the light objects such as papers?

It acts on all objects.

What can produce a magnetic field and make steel objects act like magnets?

Electric currents ... especially in coils.

Why do you see different colours in a rainbow?

Rainbows occur when you see sunlight shining through a rainstorm. The curtain of raindrops act like millions of tiny prisms, which break light into it's component colors - a rainbow.

How does headlands act ethically?

Headlands are inanimate objects they can not act at all.

How do cats feel other objects?

Cats have nerves, much like we do, but they are more sensitive. Their whiskers act like fingers feeling everything they touch

What to do if you think a girl could like you but she sometimes doesn't act like it?

Ask her.

What is the adverb for dangerously?

The adverb dangerously can refer to situations involving objects or people. Objects can present danger, and the opposite of dangerously could be "innocuously" or "harmlessly." e.g. The ship was dangerously overloaded. Persons who act "dangerously" could instead act "carefully" or "cautiously." For a characteristic, an antonym could be "acceptably" or comfortably. e.g. He was dangerously close to the enemy lines.

Why do all forces have to act on objects?


What two forces act on objects to slow their motion?

There are many forces that could act on an object, depending on the situation. An object moving on a surface is likely to slow down due to friction, which is related to the gravitational force. Air resistance will affect objects to slow them down, which is proportional to the speed their travelling at.