- an eleven-sided polygon
Union of two sets A and B
- the set of elements in A, B, or both; written AUB
Unit cube
- unit of measuring volume
Universal statement
- a conditional that uses the words 'all' or 'everything'
- in a Venn diagram, everything that is outside the sets
Okay hope this helps
This is what I used:http://library.thinkquest.org/2647/geometry/glossary.htm#b
point, line, and plane.
Never move from a formula until you understand it. Do more homework than you are assigned. Ask for help when you need it. Start a study group. Stop telling yourself you can’t do geometry!
Here are some examples of 10th-grade geometry theorems: https://quizlet.com/subject/geometry-10th-grade-theorems/
Math terms that start with Y are y-axis, y-coordinate, or y-intercept.Also the distance measurement "yard."
Some people don't like geometry some do. Some don't like history, some do. Some don't like any form of knowledge, some do. People are different and they like and dislike different things.
hexagon hypotenuse
Base of a trapezoid is a geometry term. It starts with the letter b.
Acute angle, algorithm, altitude, angle, area and axis are geometry terms.
justify justification
X bar. X axis.
diameter, diallation
x axsis
Wedge and Whole number :)
zero angle - an angle whose measure is zero